White labelled research for Webflow agencies

Shine a light on users.
Make informed decisions.

Should I offer my clients research?

A painting of a woman wearing a tie.

Research is a critical step in achieving meaningful designs and successful websites.

Before you start designing, or even making valuable suggestions, you need to see the whole picture.

Do you understand the client's business? Do you know their users? Have you analysed the competition? Do you have a plan?

No? No worries! We do the heavy lifting upfront so you get a running start.

Webflow by choice

Yup, we only work with Webflow freelancers and agencies.

Webflow has been at the core of what we do for over 6 years. We understand it’s possibilities (and limitations), so when we offer advice about strategy or user experience, we know it can be accomplished.

A painting of an astronaut holding a flag.


A painting of a man in a field of flowers.
Design without
Offer your clients
informed solutions
2-3 Week
Save yourself
time & money
mark up our
Design without
Offer your clients
informed solutions
2-3 Week
Save yourself
time & money
mark up our
A laptop computer sitting on top of a desk next to a cup of coffee.

What we do

Competitor Analysis

We'll assess both your client's and their competitors' websites using project-specific criteria to gain insights into what has succeeded, what hasn't, and to identify actionable strategies.

Empathy Maps

Empathy maps are collaborative visualizations to capture insights about a specific user type. We'll get client-facing members of your client's team involved to help prioritise user frustrations and needs.

User Interviews

We’ll help identify and then interview key users to get qualitative data about real experiences, habits, frustrations and goals.

User Questionnaire

We’ll invite users to complete a questionnaire to gather a broad range of responses to important questions.

Persona Posters

We synthesize research findings into impactful persona posters, providing a tangible identity for users.

User Stories

Using the format 'As a <user type>, I want to <goal> so that <benefit>,' we identify and define multiple goals to ensure the website meets user needs.

User Flows

User Flows illustrate how tasks are completed. We create visual CTA journeys to align your understanding with the client.

Website Map

We create a visual website map with a detailed page structure to get everyone aligned before wire-framing even starts.

Insights & Recommendations

We'll consolidate the research into a concise document, presenting key insights and actionable recommendations.

We've been leveraging the talented team at Research Lab for years to offer our clients services that few other agencies do.
Scott Van Zandt

Scott Van Zandt

Webflow Enterprise Partner
Research Lab's insights and strategic approach ensure we align with business needs to design effective interfaces and websites. Invaluable partnership!

Matthis Garnier

Lead Designer

© 2024 Research Lab. All rights reserved.